Sunday, February 11, 2018

Multiple Voices

Multiple Voices

Around and around I go.
My mind it never slows.
Always thinking at a fast pace.
Always moving as if in a race.
Keeping busy helps ease my mind.
Keeps me from listening to voices that are so unkind.
They started again the other day.
I'm trying hard not to listen to them today.
Telling me I'm all alone.
No one wants me at home.
Run away now or else we will come out.
Then they will see what your all about.
Your broken and used.
You have been abused.
No one would want to be around you.
The sad, sick and twisted you.
Your broken and have no spine.
You have been told over and over through time.
The abuse makes you feel alive.
It seems it's the only way you seem to thrive.
You see it don't you now?
You have come to love the abuse any how.
Loved it so much it was the only way.
Blind folded with nothing to say.
Quit looking at me! Why do you stare?
I know there is something wrong up there.
I know I'm unworthy of even a glance.
Not worth the time not even for one chance.
You would only be wasting your time.
I'm sure you wouldn't like my kind.
I've been broken to pieces and cant be fixed.
So go on find another better than this.
I go to bed and often cry myself to sleep.
Piled up in a big heap.
I've accepted my life and want to be left alone.
I don't deserve anyone to call my own.
As I write these words out of my head.
I really wish sometimes I was dead.

Written By: Heather Cole
                    Jan. 7, 2018

This might change at some point. I like it but its not right yet.